Local Union 25 Plumbers and Pipefitters are some of the highest trained skilled workers in the region. Not everybody will be cut out for this top-of-the-line program.
What happens if you are accepted into our apprenticeship program? You’ll enjoy a high-payingcareer without an ounce of college debt! Get ready to earn a great life!

Plumbers assemble, install and repair pipes, fixtures and fittings.
Learn more about plumbing.
HVACR Technician
HVACR techs install, maintain and repair heating, cooling and refrigeration.
Learn more about HVACR.
Pipefitting & Welding
Pipefitters assemble, install and maintain pipes in industrial buildings.
Learn more about pipefitting & welding.
Mike Landon retiring as longtime business agent
Join us in congratulating Southern Counties Business Agent Mike Landon on his retirement at the end of July!
Read moreRecent News
- Local 25 Family Medical Center Welcomes Dr. Joseph Bergstrom, D.O.
- Kelli McCallister attends UA MCAA Conference
- Dave Keefer retiring after 33 years in the plumbing industry
- Introducing Tim Lievens, New JATC Instructor
- Three Local Union 25 Training Center Staff to Teach During National Instructor Training Program
- Local Union 25 Hosts Signing Day, Reaches Record Number of Apprentices
- Years of Service Milestones

LU25 Health and Wellness Center
Did we mention we have our own doctor’s office for our union members and their families?
Seriously. It’s awesome
It’s an easy, convenient option for everything from preventive screenings to mental health and more. The best part: It’s free. No co-pays, no deductibles and no co-insurance to health plan participants.