Why Union?
The Union Advantage
Being part of a labor union in America means more money in your pocket and more opportunities to boost your own economic situation both now and in the future. Experience the union advantage!
Higher Wages, Benefits and Retirement Security
A recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows non-unionized workers make just 83% of unionized workers’ wages — and throughout the course of their career, union members make an estimated $1.3 million more than non-union workers. Common benefits above and beyond hourly wages include employer-provided benefits, like paid vacations, premium health insurance and pension plans for a secure retirement.
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Union contracts pay men and women the same amount for performing the same job, and hourly wages for unionized women are an average of 5.8% higher than their nonunion counterparts. Unions also help reduce racial wage gaps and influence wage increases among non-union firms to keep employment competitive.
Safer, More Productive Workforce
Unions have always been at the forefront of better health and safety protections for workers. Since the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, workplace deaths and injuries have dramatically declined due to better training, education and support.
A Collective, Unified Voice
The health and safety of working families depends on their ability to have a say in how they do their jobs. Through collective bargaining, workers negotiate contracts with employers on everything from pay increases and safety policies, to ways to balance work and family and more. Collective bargaining also helps solve workplace issues when they arise.