Local Union 25

The Pipeline to Success

Local Union 25 is comprised of nearly 1,700 journeymen and apprentice plumbers, pipefitters, welder and HVACR technicians. We work in your homes, hospitals, office buildings and warehouses, creating the infrastructure that keeps our lives comfortable.


About Local Union 25

Our state-of-the-art training center offers the most advanced technology, including classes on green building. Our rigorous five-year apprenticeship program and continuing education classes – both at the training center and on the job site – ensure all Local Union 25 journeymen are the best at what they do, and are trained to meet the challenges of a changing industry.

Local Union 25 journeymen and apprentices serve an 19 county area from East Dubuque to Quincy, Illinois, including the entire Quad Cities area. We’re your friends, your neighbors and we care about the towns we serve. That’s why we love our jobs, and we love our communities.